Basic Ozone Training course

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Chlorine Dioxide Sanitizing

One of the best oxidation concepts is the proper use of chlorine dioxide. Like ozone, chlorine dioxide is a Green and very effective way to easily sanitize any type of home, day care, school, office, workplace, or public building.

Before jumping too fast on this idea, there are distinct differences in the types of chlorine dioxide. CD Plus is the best of the best for chlorine dioxide products.

OdorMD is the absolute professionals when it comes to odor removal, sanitizing, and clearing the air of allergens, pollutants and toxins.

CD Plus uses the ingredients already recognized by the EPA and FDA. The process is safe for food prep areas and leaves no residue. The Green Clean Institute also certifies this Green product.

CD plus or chlorine dioxide does not use extreme pH to kill pathogens. The sanitizing process happens by the oxidation of the virus or bacteria outer membrane. However, the very small size of the chlorine dioxide molecule allows the ingredient to enter the pathogen and destroy it from the inside.

Studies show that the CD Plus ingredients accomplish this task in milliseconds.

CD Plus can be used in a spray bottle or fogged through the facility. Hand sanitizing is costly in manhour costs. Fogging is very effective and efficient and allows for a quick treatment whenever an infectious disease breakout occurs.

Take Note: CD Plus has shown to kill the SARS-Cov19 virus in ONE MINUTE or less. Bleach will kills the SARS-Cov19 virus in THREE MINUTES.